Thank You For Enjoying CleverMedia's Games!

CleverMedia's solitaire and jigsaw puzzle games have been around since 1999. Millions of people have plays and enjoyed them. All this time, they have been free and primarily supported by the ads shown at the sites.

🌎 A Changing World...

But things have been changing. Web ads have been declining and can no longer cover the costs of these sites. Sites that still use ads will fill their pages with ads. But I want to keep these sites going and make them even better!

🤝 A Better Way...

To do that, I'll need the help of the players. I've set up a Patreon campaign so that the people that play the games can directly support them, instead of advertisers. For as little as $2/month, you can support, and

💁 How To Contribute...

To contribute, go to the CleverMedia Games Patreon page and select a contribution level. Patreon will walk you through the simple process.
Become a Patron!

🙏 Either Way...

I realize that not everyone is in a position to be able to contribute to support the sites. All three sites will remain free and available to all. If only a portion of the players contribute it will mean the sites can continue to exist and possibly even grow with new features.

🤔 Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to questions you may have.

What is Patreon?
Patreon is a way to join your favorite creator's community and pay them for making the stuff you love. It is a service that helps with all of the details. You can sign up there, select sites to support, and then those sites don't have to figure out things like payment collection, accounting, tax forms, etc. It makes it easy for you to support sites you love, and easy for creators to get support for their sites.

Can I support CleverMedia Games from my country?
Patrons can contribute from most countries. Contributions can be made in US dollars, Euros or British Pounds. You can contribute using major credit cards or PayPal.

Can I make a one-time contribution instead?
Patreon works by providing creators with a monthly budget. This allows creators stable income to pay bills and plan for the future of their sites. So only monthly contributions help in the long-term.

Can I contribute directly to CleverMedia Games?
Contributing directly creates many issues with accounting and taxes. Contributing through Patreon is the only method that makes sense for CleverMedia Games at this time.

Still have a question?
Send an email here.

Copyright 1995-2025 CleverMedia, Inc.